Hello, people. Or maybe just caro... anyways. I'm gonna try to type the rest of this post without looking at my slide keyboard starting..... NOW lol well for today there's a slight chance I won't mess up in this and I swear on chiodos I'm not looking, I'm just extremely bored/hungry/hyper and I know my keyboard way too much. Have you ever thought "hmmmm maybe I'll save the planet today?" All this "going green" is starting to get on my nerves, is already a trend to recycle? WTF!?!? It's getting out of control. There's all this organic stuff going aoround, and it's getting me sick, cause I frankly I reeally don't care about saving the planet, why don't we just blow up a big bomb and get it over with!?!? We allllll know it's gonna go BOOM CRASH! Sooner oer later... really it's like all this kids going around with these tote bags that are cut ebut they're all the same, "green is the new black" that's my fave lol greens my fave color. "Save trees" ehh idk aanymore what they are. And then you go to a decent store to get a decently priced shirt and just becaus3 it's allll organic and saves energy and stuf I have to pay like 20$ for that bull???? If I wnated to pay 20$ for a tee that's gonna die in a couple of weeks I could go into hot topic and buy the same shirt. Ehh stupid hot topic and it's over the top prices. I don't even know what I'm talking about lalalaal. Help me. I need help thas all. At the rate al these celebs and these trends we seriously are gonna have pregnant teens all over the place! That or britney spears impersonaters. Okay I'm done. DEE OUT.
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